This is film of my grandparents’ house in La Sierra near Riverside in 1956. Delbert Alcorn married Effie Truman. They had two sons, William (Bill) and Norvin (my dad) and a daughter Janice. William Alcorn married Louise and they had two kids, Ron and Judy. Janice married Earl Bishop (divorced by this time) and had two sons, Bill and Mike; Bill is the one carrying the dog, Gypsy. I think all of those people are in this film. My mother and my step-grandfather, Harry Lee Davenport (“Ga”) and my mother’s mother Marguerite are also there.
Marriage License for William Delbert Alcorn and Effie Truman, dated Feb.19th, 1916, in Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Norvin Alcorn Birth Certificate
Open house to show off Lockheed’s Flying Wing, 1949
Open house to show off Lockheed’s Flying Wing, 1949
Open house to show off Lockheed’s Flying Wing, 1949
Delbert and Effie Alcorn at open house to show off Lockheed’s Flying Wing, 1949
Norvin Alcorn, 21st birthday, October 15, 1943
Guests at Norvin Alcorn’s 21st birthday party, 1943: Delbert Alcorn, Effie Alcorn, Delbert’s sister Lottie, who lived in a similar house that Delbert built next to their place, and Lottie’s husband
Draftsman Qualification upon discharge from army
Norvin Alcorn at Laguna Beach Hotel, 1943
Norvin Alcorn at Laguna Beach Hotel, 1943
Draftsman Qualification upon discharge from army (back)
Norvin Alcorn at Laguna Beach, 1943
Norvin Alcorn at Laguna Beach, 1943
Norvin Alcorn at USC, Spring, 1944
Norvin Alcorn at the Santa Barbara Mission, 1949
Norvin Alcorn at Big Bear, 1944
Norvin Alcorn at Big Bear, 1944
In the late 1950’s my Dad worked on this rocket sled project for Coleman Engineering. The sled track was set up on a mesa and used to test G-force acceleration and ejection seat technology.
William Delbert Alcorn, Norvin’s dad
50th wedding anniversary for Delbert and Effie Alcorn (Truman), married 19 Feb 1916Wedding, Rick Crosley, Judy Alcorn
Wedding, Judy, her father Bill Alcorn
Wedding, Carol and Ron Alcorn, (Bill’s son)
Rick Crosley, their St. Bernard and daughter.
Bill Bishop, Palomar College graduation, 1970
Bill Bishop, Mike Bishop, Ruth Jernigan and dog
Delbert and Effie Alcorn’s house, La Sierra, California. Built by Delbert.
Wedding, Mike and Rebecca Bishop, Questhaven Retreat in San Marcos, Calif. 1976
Janice Bishop and her mother,Effie Alcorn.
Mike Bishop graduation at Cal Poly, Riverside in 1976
1976 wedding of Mike and Rebecca Bishop
Back row- Louise Runge, Norvin Alcorn, Bill Bishop, Steve Alcorn.
Front row- Louise Alcorn, Kay Alcorn, Janice Bishop, Effie Alcorn, ?
Back row- Steve Alcorn, Bill Bishop, Norvin Alcorn,
Front row- ?, Effie Alcorn, Janice Bishop, Louise Runge, Kay Alcorn, Louise Alcorn. 1976
Louise Runge, Archie Truman (?)
Jim Clark, married Louise Alcorn after her husband Bill died
Jim Clark holding Judy Crosley’s son, Louise Clark (Alcorn), Effie Alcorn
Judy Crosley, Effie Alcorn holding Judy’s daughter, Effie’s great, granddaughter
Effie Alcorn holding Judy Crosley’s children and sitting with Ron and Carol Alcorn’s daughter
Norvin Alcorn testing an outhouse he’s helping build, 1990s
Linda and Steve in Pasadena, California at Norv and Ginnie’s wedding, 1977
Norv and Ginnie’s wedding, 1977
Ginnie, Linda and Steve at Norv and Ginnie’s wedding, 1977
Louise Alcorn, Janice Bishop at Norv and Ginnie’s wedding, 1977
Norv and Ginnie’s wedding, 1977
Norm and Cindy Mitchell, Norv and Ginnie, Jeff Mitchell, Linda and Steve at Norv and Ginnie’s wedding, 1977
Ginnie, Steve, Linda, Norm and Cindy Mitchell at Norv and Ginnie’s wedding, 1977
1961 Lincoln Continental, Norv, and unknown person at 5216 El Mirador Drive, Los Angeles
1961 Lincoln Continental, 5216 El Mirador Drive, Camper in background in front of the Heffernan’s
Norv and golfing buddies, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1980
Norv (Pop Pop) and Ginnie, 1995.
Norvin Edward Alcorn (Norv), Thanksgiving in Celebration, 2003.