Category: Wiliamsburg
Williamsburg 1989-2007
My father lived on the King’s Mill Golf Course in Williamsburg, Virginia. We visited him most years, sometimes traveling by auto train. We enjoyed the ambiance of the train, and it’s convenient to have our car and all of Danielle’s “stuff” when we get there.

Dad’s house in King’s Mill,1989.
Dani before her baptism, posing in front of the fireplace at PopPop and GinGin’s house.
The Slide.
On the iced-up pond across the street, January 1997.
Trains are BIG. That red dot is Danielle. January 1998.
Boarding the train, January 1998.
Linda locks Danielle and Pop Pop into the Pillory, Colonial Williamsburg, January 1998.
Silversmith, Colonial Williamsburg, January 1998.
Windmill, Colonial Williamsburg, January 1998.
Behind the Governor’s Mansion, Colonial Williamsburg, January 1998.
Golfing with Dad, December 1998.
With Miss Manderly, a character from the American Girls Felicity book, Colonial Williamsburg, December 1998.
In the lobby of the Williamsburg Inn, between Christmas and New Year’s, 1999
Dancing in the dining room of the Williamsburg Inn, between Christmas and New Year’s, 1999
Blacksmith Shop. Thanksgiving, 2001.
Thanksgiving, 2001.
The Capitol. Thanksgiving, 2001.
Carter’s Grove. Thanksgiving, 2001.
Thanksgiving, 2001.
Gunsmith Shop. Thanksgiving, 2001.
Thanksgiving, 2001.
Thanksgiving, 2001.
Thanksgiving, 2001.
Thanksgiving, 2002.
Thanksgiving, 2002.
Thanksgiving, 2002.
Thanksgiving, 2002.
Thanksgiving, 2002.
Thanksgiving, 2005 Parade.
Thanksgiving, 2005 Shop.
Thanksgiving, 2005 walking to a witch trial reenactment.
Thanksgiving, 2005 at Ford’s Colony.
Thanksgiving 2007. At the Williamsburg Inn for Thanksgiving dinner, Reggie brought Dani a PB&J sandwich for old times sake.