
Newly adopted strays in early 2020, Grayson and Ember (Beauty and the Beast , not necessarily in that order). Ember is supposedly a male, and our first gay cat.

Linda Alcorn: Disney Imagineering’s first female engineer

Here’s a lovely article that Blooloop wrote about Linda: https://blooloop.com/theme-park/in-depth/linda-alcorn-disney/

Christmas letters:

We had a good time as presenters at Retro Magic 2023 at Disney’s Yacht Club on Epcot’s 41st anniversary.

Tuffy (top) is the latest addition to the herd, now at six(!) All three of these (Tuffy, Ember, and Grayson) plus Chessie (not shown because she wouldn’t fit in the photo) came in from the front porch as ferals. This was taken on Tuffy’s second day, so he’s still figuring out how to be a house cat.

Linda’s Interview for the TEA Masters

Moving to Vancouver, B.C., 2024:

During the pandemic I started building models, working mostly in HO scale plastic at first, but eventually gravitating to O scale wood builds. This one was done in 2024:

The Night Before Christmas – Alcorn McBride Version

by Loren Barrows, December, 2024

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the office,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse-ice.

The Binloops were stocked in the warehouse with care,
In hopes that the Sales Team would make them disappear;

The Engineers were nestled all snug in their chairs,
While dozens of support tickets rang in their ears.

And Alexis in the Quality Room with Scott having his back,
Had just built some RideAmps and packed them in wrap.

When out in the lot there arose such a clatter,
We sprang from our chairs to see what was the matter!

Away to the windows we flew like a drone,
Rolled up the big shades, and pulled out our phones.

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear?
Not another car crash but a man we revere.

In a fast silver Tesla, and cat hair on his sleeve,
We knew in a moment it had to be Steve.

More rapid than RevBs his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called us by name:

Now! Hunter, Liana, Adam, Aaron, Alan, Gabe, Bailey, Loren, and Shelby,
On! Corey, On Scott, on Hector, the Mikes, the Alexs, the Devins, and Dmitri;

To the top of the roof! To the top of the wall!
Casemates and Wine Woot! I’ve got plenty of wine for all!”

So up to the Tiki Bar the Alcorn team flew,
With empty wine glasses- and one of Martin’s corkscrews.

And then in a twinkling, we heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of somebody’s boots.

As we drew in our head, and were turning around,
When down the roof stairs Jim came with a bound.

He was dressed in beach gear but wasn’t wearing any pants,
His clothes were all sandy and he asked about his plants.

A case of beer was packed all up in his sack,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes – how they twinkled! his dimples how merry,
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

His droll little mouth opened up to tell jokes,
A little off-color and offending some folks.

They weren’t very good but still made us all laugh,
Then he scooped up his pack and turned to our staff.

Are you learning every day and having some fun?
Are you taking care of Hunter like I asked everyone?

Then a wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave us to know we had nothing to dread.

He spoke no more words but went straight to his work,
And he gave us all bacon; then turned with a jerk.

And laying his finger all up in his nose
He gave Steve a nod and they both struck a pose.

Let’s get outta here Steve don’t ya know we’re retired?
It’s a miracle I worked here so long and never got fired.

Look around at this team we’ve left it in good hands,
Come hang out with me I’ve got all sorts of plans!

They sprung to their feet, to our team gave a wave,
And away they both went, off to go misbehave:

But we heard them exclaim, ere they drove out of sight-
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

This was a fun project. It’s about 6 inches high.
This kit of JiuFen Old Street in Taiwan is the most precisely made of any I’ve worked on. Most pieces are so finely cut that glue isn’t needed. It’s made by Anavrin (which I realized last night is Nirvana spelled backwards!)